5.2. Running Jobs

Once we have the code-less configuration file, we can use the command line interface to extract the features. This is achieved in a two-step process: run and collect.

The run command is used to extract the features from each element in the dataset. However, depending on the storage interface, this may create one file per subject. The collect command is then used to collect all of the individual results into a single file.

Assuming that we have a configuration file named config.yaml, the following commands will extract the features:

junifer run config.yaml

The run command accepts the following additional arguments:

  • --help: Show a help message.

  • --verbose: Set the verbosity level. Options are warning, info, debug.

  • --element: The element to run. If not specified, all elements will be run. This parameter can be specified multiple times to run multiple elements. If the element requires several parameters, they can be specified by separating them with ,. It also accepts a file (e.g., elements.txt) containing complete or partial element(s).

5.2.1. Example of running two elements:

junifer run config.yaml --element sub-01 --element sub-02

You can also specify the elements via a text file like so:

junifer run config.yaml --element elements.txt

And the corresponding elements.txt would be like so:


5.2.2. Example of elements with multiple parameters and verbose output:

junifer run --verbose info config.yaml --element sub-01,ses-01

You can also specify the elements via a text file like so:

junifer run --verbose info config.yaml --element elements.txt

And the corresponding elements.txt would be like so:


In case you wanted to run for all possible sessions (e.g., ses-01, ses-02, ses-03) but only for sub-01, you could also do:

junifer run --verbose info config.yaml --element sub-01


junifer run --verbose info config.yaml --element elements.txt

and then the elements.txt would be like so:


5.3. Collecting Results

Once the run command has been executed, the results are stored in the output directory. However, depending on the storage interface, this may create one file per subject. The collect command is then used to collect all of the individual results into a single file.

Assuming that we have a configuration file named config.yaml, the following commands will collect the results:

junifer collect config.yaml

The collect command accepts the following additional arguments:

  • --help: Show a help message.

  • --verbose: Set the verbosity level. Options are warning, info, debug.

5.4. Analysing Results

After collect-ing the results into a single file, we can analyse them as we wish. We would need to do this programmatically so feel free to choose your Python interpreter of choice or use it via a Python script.

First we load the storage like so:

from junifer.storage import HDF5FeatureStorage

# You need to import and use SQLiteFeatureStorage if you chose that
# for storage while extracting features
storage = HDF5FeatureStorage("<path/to/your/collected/file>")

The best way to start analysing would be to list all the extracted features like so:

# This would output a dictionary with MD5 checksum of the features as keys
# and metadata of the features as values
{'eb85b61eefba61f13d712d425264697b': {'datagrabber': {'class': 'SPMAuditoryTestingDataGrabber',
                                                      'types': ['BOLD', 'T1w']},
                                       'dependencies': {'scikit-learn': '1.3.0', 'nilearn': '0.9.2'},
                                       'datareader': {'class': 'DefaultDataReader'},
                                       'type': 'BOLD',
                                       'marker': {'class': 'FunctionalConnectivityParcels',
                                                  'parcellation': 'Schaefer100x7',
                                                  'agg_method': 'mean',
                                                  'agg_method_params': None,
                                                  'cor_method': 'covariance',
                                                  'cor_method_params': {'empirical': False},
                                                  'masks': None,
                                                  'name': 'schaefer_100x7_fc_parcels'},
                                       '_element_keys': ['subject'],
                                       'name': 'BOLD_schaefer_100x7_fc_parcels'}}

Once we have this, we can retrieve a single feature like so:

feature_dict = storage.read("<name-key-from-feature-metadata>")

to get the stored dictionary or,

feature_df = storage.read_df("<name-key-from-feature-metadata>")

to get it as a pandas.DataFrame.

If there are features with duplicate name s, then we would need to use the MD5 checksum and pass it like so:

feature_df = storage.read_df(feature_md5="<md5-hash-of-feature>")

We can now manipulate the dictionary or the pandas.DataFrame as we wish or use the DataFrame directly with julearn if desired.

5.4.1. On-the-fly transforms

junifer supports performing some computationally cheap operations (like computing brain connectivity or BrainPrint post-analysis) directly on the storage objects. To make sure everything works, install junifer like so:

pip install junifer[onthefly]

or if installed via conda, everything should be there and no further action is required.

Computing brain connectivity via bctpy

You can compute for example, the degree of each node considering an undirected graph via bctpy like so:

from junifer.onthefly import read_transform

transformed_df = read_transform(
    # md5 hash can also be passed via `feature_md5`
    # format is `package_function`

Post-analysis of BrainPrint results

To perform post-analysis on BrainPrint results, start by importing:

from junifer.onthefly import brainprint


Surface normalisation can be done by:

surface_normalised_df = brainprint.normalize(
        "areas": {
            "feature_name": "<name-key-from-areas-feature>",
            # if md5 hash is passed, the above should be None
            "feature_md5": None,
        "eigenvalues": {
            "feature_name": "<name-key-from-eigenvalues-feature>",
            "feature_md5": None,

and volume normalisation can be done by:

volume_normalised_df = brainprint.normalize(
        "volumes": {
            "feature_name": "<name-key-from-volumes-feature>",
            "feature_md5": None,
        "eigenvalues": {
            "feature_name": "<name-key-from-eigenvalues-feature>",
            "feature_md5": None,


To perform re-weighting, run like so:

reweighted_df = brainprint.reweight(
    # md5 hash can also be passed via `feature_md5`