7.4. Creating Preprocessors#

As already mentioned in the introduction, junifer does not do traditional MRI pre-processing but can perform minimal preprocessing of the data that the DataGrabber provides, for example, smoothing after confound regression or transforming data to subject-native space before feature extraction. While there are a few Preprocessors available already and we are constantly adding new ones, you might need something specific and then you can create your own Preprocessor.

While implementing your own Preprocessor, you need to always inherit from BasePreprocessor and implement a few methods:

  1. get_valid_inputs: This method should return a list of strings representing the valid data types that the Preprocessor can work on. Check data types for reference.

  2. get_output_type: This method should just return the input as it is unused as of now.

  3. preprocess: The method that given the data, preprocesses the data.

  4. __init__: The initialisation method, where the Preprocessor is configured.

As an example, we will develop a NilearnSmoothing Preprocessor, which smoothens the data using nilearn.image.smooth_img(). This is often desirable in cases where your data is preprocessed using fMRIPrep, as fMRIPrep does not perform smoothing.

7.4.1. Step 1: Configure input and output#

In this step, we define the input and output data types of the Preprocessor. For input we can accept T1w, T2w and BOLD data types.


def get_valid_inputs(self) -> list[str]:
    return ["T1w", "T2w", "BOLD"]


The output definition of the Preprocessor is unused now but is kept for completeness.


def get_output_type(self, input_type: str) -> str:
    return input_type


7.4.2. Step 2: Initialise the Preprocessor#

Now we need to define our Preprocessor class’ constructor which is also how you configure it. Our class will have the following arguments:

  1. fwhm: The smoothing strength as a full-width at half maximum (in millimetres). Since we depend on nilearn.image.smooth_img(), we pass the value to it.

  2. on: The data type we want the Preprocessor to work on. If the user does not specify, it will work on all the data types given by the get_valid_inputs function.


Only basic types (int, bool and str), lists, tuples and dictionaries are allowed as parameters. This is because the parameters are stored in JSON format, and JSON only supports these types.

from typing import Literal

from numpy.typing import ArrayLike


def __init__(
    fwhm: int | float | ArrayLike | Literal["fast"] | None,
    on: str | list[str] | None = None,
) -> None:
    self.fwhm = fwhm



Parameters of the Preprocessor must be stored as object attributes without using _ as prefix. This is because any attribute that starts with _ will not be considered as a parameter and not stored as part of the metadata of the Preprocessor.

7.4.3. Step 3: Preprocess the data#

Finally, we will write the actual logic of the Preprocessor. This method will be called by junifer when needed, using the data provided by the DataGrabber, as configured by the user. The method preprocess has two arguments:

  • input: A dictionary with the data to be used by the Preprocessor. This will be the corresponding element in the Data Object already indexed. Thus, the dictionary has at least two keys: data and path. The first one contains the data, while the second one contains the path to the data. The dictionary can also contain other keys, depending on the data type.

  • extra_input: The rest of the Data Object. This is useful if you want to use other data (e.g., Warp can be used to provide the transformation matrix file for transformation to subject-native space).

and it has two return values:

  • First is the input dictionary with necessary data modified. Usually, you want to replace the input["data"] with the preprocessed data.

  • Second is a dictionary just like input or extra_input but with only specific key-value pairs which you would like to pass down to the Markers. For example, if your Preprocessor computes some mask with the preprocessed data, you could pass it through this which would be added and available in the Marker step with the same key you pass here. Usually, you would want to pass None.

from typing import Any

from nilearn import image as nimg


def preprocess(
    input: dict[str, Any],
    extra_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any] | None]:
     input["data"] = nimg.smooth_img(imgs=input["data"], fwhm=self.fwhm)
     return input, None


7.4.4. Step 4: Finalise the Preprocessor#

Now we just need to combine everything we have above and throw in a couple of other stuff to get our Preprocessor ready.

First, we specify the dependencies for our class, which are basically the packages that are required by the class. This is used for validation before running to ensure all the packages are installed and also to keep track of the dependencies and their versions in the metadata. We define it using a class attribute like so:

_DEPENDENCIES = {"nilearn"}

Then, we just need to register the Preprocessor using @register_preprocessor decorator and our final code should look like this:

from typing import Any, Literal

from junifer.api.decorators import register_preprocessor
from junifer.preprocess import BasePreprocessor

from nilearn import image as nimg
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

class NilearnSmoothing(BasePreprocessor):

    _DEPENDENCIES = {"nilearn"}

    def __init__(
        fwhm: int | float | ArrayLike | Literal["fast"] | None,
        on: str | list[str] | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.fwhm = fwhm

    def get_valid_inputs(self) -> list[str]:
        return ["T1w", "T2w", "BOLD"]

    def get_output_type(self, input_type: str) -> str:
        return input_type

    def preprocess(
        input: dict[str, Any],
        extra_input: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any] | None]:
        input["data"] = nimg.smooth_img(imgs=input["data"], fwhm=self.fwhm)
        return input, None

7.4.5. Template for a custom Preprocessor#

from junifer.api.decorators import register_preprocessor
from junifer.preprocess import BasePreprocessor

class TemplatePreprocessor(BasePreprocessor):

    def __init__(self, on=None):
        # TODO: add preprocessor-specific parameters

    def get_valid_inputs(self):
        # TODO: Complete with the valid inputs
        valid = []
        return valid

    def get_output_type(self, input_type):
        return input_type

    def preprocess(self, input, extra_input):
        # TODO: add the preprocessor logic
        return input, None