8.1.4. Markers#

Provide imports for markers sub-package.

class junifer.markers.AmplitudeLowFrequencyFluctuationParcels(parcellation, fractional, highpass=0.01, lowpass=0.1, tr=None, use_afni=None, mask=None, method='mean', method_params=None, name=None)#

Class for computing fALFF/ALFF on parcels.

parcellationstr or list of str

The name(s) of the parcellation(s). Check valid options by calling junifer.data.parcellations.list_parcellations().


Whether to compute fractional ALFF.

highpasspositive float, optional

The highpass cutoff frequency for the bandpass filter (default 0.01).

lowpasspositive float, optional

The lowpass cutoff frequency for the bandpass filter (default 0.1).

trpositive float, optional

The Repetition Time of the BOLD data. If None, will extract the TR from NIFTI header (default None).

use_afnibool, optional

Whether to use AFNI for computing. If None, will use AFNI only if available (default None).

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

methodstr, optional

The method to perform aggregation using. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() (default “mean”).

method_paramsdict, optional

Parameters to pass to the aggregation function. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name().

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. If None, will use the class name (default None).


The tr parameter is crucial for the correctness of fALFF/ALFF computation. If a dataset is correctly preprocessed, the TR should be extracted from the NIFTI without any issue. However, it has been reported that some preprocessed data might not have the correct TR in the NIFTI header.

ALFF/fALFF are computed using a bandpass butterworth filter. See scipy.signal.butter() and scipy.signal.filtfilt() for more details.

class junifer.markers.AmplitudeLowFrequencyFluctuationSpheres(coords, fractional, radius=None, highpass=0.01, lowpass=0.1, tr=None, use_afni=None, mask=None, method='mean', method_params=None, name=None)#

Class for computing fALFF/ALFF on spheres.


The name of the coordinates list to use. See junifer.data.coordinates.list_coordinates() for options.

radiusfloat, optional

The radius of the sphere in mm. If None, the signal will be extracted from a single voxel. See nilearn.maskers.NiftiSpheresMasker for more information (default None).


Whether to compute fractional ALFF.

highpasspositive float, optional

The highpass cutoff frequency for the bandpass filter (default 0.01).

lowpasspositive float, optional

The lowpass cutoff frequency for the bandpass filter (default 0.1).

trpositive float, optional

The Repetition Time of the BOLD data. If None, will extract the TR from NIFTI header (default None).

use_afnibool, optional

Whether to use AFNI for computing. If None, will use AFNI only if available (default None).

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

methodstr, optional

The method to perform aggregation using. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() (default “mean”).

method_paramsdict, optional

Parameters to pass to the aggregation function. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name().

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. If None, will use the class name (default None).


The tr parameter is crucial for the correctness of fALFF/ALFF computation. If a dataset is correctly preprocessed, the TR should be extracted from the NIFTI without any issue. However, it has been reported that some preprocessed data might not have the correct TR in the NIFTI header.

ALFF/fALFF are computed using a bandpass butterworth filter. See scipy.signal.butter() and scipy.signal.filtfilt() for more details.

class junifer.markers.BaseMarker(on=None, name=None)#

Abstract base class for all markers.

onstr or list of str

The kind of data to apply the marker to. By default, will work on all available data.

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. By default, it will use the class name as the name of the marker (default None).

abstract compute(input, extra_input=None)#



A single input from the pipeline data object in which to compute the marker.

extra_inputdict, optional

The other fields in the pipeline data object. Useful for accessing other data kind that needs to be used in the computation. For example, the functional connectivity markers can make use of the confounds if available (default None).


The computed result as dictionary. This will be either returned to the user or stored in the storage by calling the store method with this as a parameter.

abstract get_output_type(input_type)#

Get output type.


The data type input to the marker.


The storage type output by the marker.


Get valid data types for input.

list of str

The list of data types that can be used as input for this marker.

store(type_, out, storage)#



The data type to store.


The computed result as a dictionary to store.


The storage class, for example, SQLiteFeatureStorage.


Validate input.

inputlist of str

The input to the pipeline step. The list must contain the available Junifer Data dictionary keys.


If the input does not have the required data.

class junifer.markers.CrossParcellationFC(parcellation_one, parcellation_two, aggregation_method='mean', correlation_method='pearson', mask=None, name=None)#

Class for calculating parcel-wise correlations with 2 parcellations.


The name of the first parcellation.


The name of the second parcellation.

aggregation_methodstr, optional

The aggregation method (default “mean”).

correlation_methodstr, optional

Any method that can be passed to pandas.DataFrame.corr (default “pearson”).

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. If None, will use the class name (default None).

compute(input, extra_input=None)#


Take a timeseries, parcellate them with two different parcellation schemes, and get parcel-wise correlations between the two different parcellated time series. Shape of output matrix corresponds to number of ROIs in (parcellation_two, parcellation_one).


The BOLD data as a dictionary.

extra_inputdict, optional

The other fields in the pipeline data object (default None).


The computed result as dictionary. This will be either returned to the user or stored in the storage by calling the store method with this as a parameter. The dictionary has the following keys:

  • data : the correlation values between the two parcellations as a numpy.ndarray

  • col_names : the ROIs for first parcellation as a list

  • row_names : the ROIs for second parcellation as a list


Get output type.


The data type input to the marker.


The storage type output by the marker.


Get valid data types for input.

list of str

The list of data types that can be used as input for this marker

class junifer.markers.FunctionalConnectivityParcels(parcellation, agg_method='mean', agg_method_params=None, cor_method='covariance', cor_method_params=None, mask=None, name=None)#

Class for functional connectivity.

parcellationstr or list of str

The name(s) of the parcellation(s). Check valid options by calling junifer.data.parcellations.list_parcellations().

agg_methodstr, optional

The method to perform aggregation using. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() (default “mean”).

agg_method_paramsdict, optional

Parameters to pass to the aggregation function. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() (default None).

cor_methodstr, optional

The method to perform correlation using. Check valid options in nilearn.connectome.ConnectivityMeasure (default “covariance”).

cor_method_paramsdict, optional

Parameters to pass to the correlation function. Check valid options in nilearn.connectome.ConnectivityMeasure (default None).

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. If None, will use the class name (default None).

compute(input, extra_input=None)#



A single input from the pipeline data object in which to compute the marker.

extra_inputdict, optional

The other fields in the pipeline data object. Useful for accessing other data kind that needs to be used in the computation. For example, the functional connectivity markers can make use of the confounds if available (default None).


The computed result as dictionary. The following data will be included in the dictionary:

  • data : functional connectivity matrix as a numpy.ndarray.

  • row_names : row names as a list

  • col_names : column names as a list

  • matrix_kind : the kind of matrix (tril, triu or full)


Get output type.


The data type input to the marker.


The storage type output by the marker.


Get valid data types for input.

list of str

The list of data types that can be used as input for this marker.

class junifer.markers.FunctionalConnectivitySpheres(coords, radius=None, agg_method='mean', agg_method_params=None, cor_method='covariance', cor_method_params=None, mask=None, name=None)#

Class for functional connectivity using coordinates (spheres).


The name of the coordinates list to use. See junifer.data.coordinates.list_coordinates() for options.

radiusfloat, optional

The radius of the sphere in mm. If None, the signal will be extracted from a single voxel. See nilearn.maskers.NiftiSpheresMasker for more information (default None).

agg_methodstr, optional

The aggregation method to use. See junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() for more information (default None).

agg_method_paramsdict, optional

The parameters to pass to the aggregation method (default None).

cor_methodstr, optional

The method to perform correlation using. Check valid options in nilearn.connectome.ConnectivityMeasure (default “covariance”).

cor_method_paramsdict, optional

Parameters to pass to the correlation function. Check valid options in nilearn.connectome.ConnectivityMeasure (default None).

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. By default, it will use KIND_FunctionalConnectivitySpheres where KIND is the kind of data it was applied to (default None).

compute(input, extra_input=None)#



A single input from the pipeline data object in which to compute the marker.

extra_inputdict, optional

The other fields in the pipeline data object. Useful for accessing other data kind that needs to be used in the computation. For example, the functional connectivity markers can make use of the confounds if available (default None).


The computed result as dictionary. The following keys will be included in the dictionary:

  • data : functional connectivity matrix as a numpy.ndarray.

  • row_names : row names as a list

  • col_names : column names as a list

  • matrix_kind : the kind of matrix (tril, triu or full)


Get output type.


The data type input to the marker.


The storage type output by the marker.


Get valid data types for input.

list of str

The list of data types that can be used as input for this marker.

class junifer.markers.MarkerCollection(markers, datareader=None, preprocessing=None, storage=None)#

Class for marker collection.

markerslist of marker-like

The markers to compute.

datareaderdatareader-like, optional

The datareader to use (default None).

preprocessingpreprocessing-like, optional

The preprocessing steps to apply.

storagestorage-like, optional

The storage to use (default None).


Fit the pipeline.


The input data to fit the pipeline on. Should be the output of indexing the Data Grabber with one element.

dict or None

The output of the pipeline. Each key represents a marker name and the values are the computer marker values. If the pipeline has a storage configured, then the output will be None.


Validate the pipeline.

Without doing any computation, check if the marker collection can be fit without problems. That is, the data required for each marker is present and streamed down the steps. Also, if a storage is configured, check that the storage can handle the markers output.


The datagrabber to validate.

class junifer.markers.ParcelAggregation(parcellation, method, method_params=None, mask=None, on=None, name=None)#

Class for parcel aggregation.

parcellationstr or list of str

The name(s) of the parcellation(s). Check valid options by calling junifer.data.parcellations.list_parcellations().


The method to perform aggregation using. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name().

method_paramsdict, optional

Parameters to pass to the aggregation function. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name().

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

on{“T1w”, “BOLD”, “VBM_GM”, “VBM_WM”, “fALFF”, “GCOR”, “LCOR”} or list of the options, optional

The data types to apply the marker to. If None, will work on all available data (default None).

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. If None, will use the class name (default None).

compute(input, extra_input=None)#



A single input from the pipeline data object in which to compute the marker.

extra_inputdict, optional

The other fields in the pipeline data object. Useful for accessing other data kind that needs to be used in the computation. For example, the functional connectivity markers can make use of the confounds if available (default None).


The computed result as dictionary. This will be either returned to the user or stored in the storage by calling the store method with this as a parameter. The dictionary has the following keys:

  • data : the actual computed values as a numpy.ndarray

  • columns : the column labels for the computed values as a list

  • row_names (if more than one row is present in data): “scan”


Get output type.


The data type input to the marker.


The storage type output by the marker.


Get valid data types for input.

list of str

The list of data types that can be used as input for this marker.

class junifer.markers.RSSETSMarker(parcellation, agg_method='mean', agg_method_params=None, mask=None, name=None)#

Class for root sum of squares of edgewise timeseries.

parcellationstr or list of str

The name(s) of the parcellation(s). Check valid options by calling junifer.data.parcellations.list_parcellations().

agg_methodstr, optional

The method to perform aggregation using. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() (default “mean”).

agg_method_paramsdict, optional

Parameters to pass to the aggregation function. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() (default None).

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. If None, will use the class name (default None).

compute(input, extra_input=None)#


Take a timeseries of brain areas, and calculate timeseries for each edge according to the method outlined in [1]. For more information, check https://github.com/brain-networks/edge-ts/blob/master/main.m


The BOLD data as dictionary.

extra_inputdict, optional

The other fields in the pipeline data object (default None).


The computed result as dictionary. The dictionary has the following keys:

  • data : the actual computed values as a numpy.ndarray

  • columns : the column labels for the computed values as a list

  • row_names (if more than one row is present in data): “scan”



Zamani Esfahlani et al. (2020) High-amplitude cofluctuations in cortical activity drive functional connectivity doi: 10.1073/pnas.2005531117


Get output type.


The data type input to the marker.


The storage type output by the marker.


Get valid data types for input.

list of str

The list of data types that can be used as input for this marker.

class junifer.markers.ReHoParcels(parcellation, use_afni=None, reho_params=None, agg_method='mean', agg_method_params=None, mask=None, name=None)#

Class for regional homogeneity on parcels.


The name of the parcellation. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.parcellations.list_parcellations().

use_afnibool, optional

Whether to use AFNI for computing. If None, will use AFNI only if available (default None).

reho_paramsdict, optional

Extra parameters for computing ReHo map as a dictionary (default None). If use_afni = True, then the valid keys are:

  • nneigh{7, 19, 27}, optional (default 27)

    Number of voxels in the neighbourhood, inclusive. Can be:

    • 7 : for facewise neighbours only

    • 19 : for face- and edge-wise nieghbours

    • 27 : for face-, edge-, and node-wise neighbors

  • neigh_radpositive float, optional

    The radius of a desired neighbourhood (default None).

  • neigh_xpositive float, optional

    The semi-radius for x-axis of ellipsoidal volumes (default None).

  • neigh_ypositive float, optional

    The semi-radius for y-axis of ellipsoidal volumes (default None).

  • neigh_zpositive float, optional

    The semi-radius for z-axis of ellipsoidal volumes (default None).

  • box_radpositive int, optional

    The number of voxels outward in a given cardinal direction for a cubic box centered on a given voxel (default None).

  • box_xpositive int, optional

    The number of voxels for +/- x-axis of cuboidal volumes (default None).

  • box_ypositive int, optional

    The number of voxels for +/- y-axis of cuboidal volumes (default None).

  • box_zpositive int, optional

    The number of voxels for +/- z-axis of cuboidal volumes (default None).

else if use_afni = False, then the valid keys are:

  • nneigh{7, 19, 27, 125}, optional (default 27)

    Number of voxels in the neighbourhood, inclusive. Can be:

    • 7 : for facewise neighbours only

    • 19 : for face- and edge-wise nieghbours

    • 27 : for face-, edge-, and node-wise neighbors

    • 125 : for 5x5 cuboidal volume

agg_methodstr, optional

The method to perform aggregation using. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() (default “mean”).

agg_method_paramsdict, optional

Parameters to pass to the aggregation function. Check valid options in junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() (default None).

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. If None, it will use the class name (default None).

compute(input, extra_input=None)#



The BOLD data as dictionary.

extra_inputdict, optional

The other fields in the pipeline data object (default None).


The computed result as dictionary. The dictionary has the following keys:

  • data : the actual computed values as a 1D numpy.ndarray

  • columns : the column labels for the parcels as a list

  • row_names : None

class junifer.markers.ReHoSpheres(coords, radius=None, use_afni=None, reho_params=None, agg_method='mean', agg_method_params=None, mask=None, name=None)#

Class for regional homogeneity on spheres.


The name of the coordinates list to use. See junifer.data.coordinates.list_coordinates() for options.

radiusfloat, optional

The radius of the sphere in millimeters. If None, the signal will be extracted from a single voxel. See nilearn.maskers.NiftiSpheresMasker for more information (default None).

use_afnibool, optional

Whether to use AFNI for computing. If None, will use AFNI only if available (default None).

reho_paramsdict, optional

Extra parameters for computing ReHo map as a dictionary (default None). If use_afni = True, then the valid keys are:

  • nneigh{7, 19, 27}, optional (default 27)

    Number of voxels in the neighbourhood, inclusive. Can be:

    • 7 : for facewise neighbours only

    • 19 : for face- and edge-wise nieghbours

    • 27 : for face-, edge-, and node-wise neighbors

  • neigh_radpositive float, optional

    The radius of a desired neighbourhood (default None).

  • neigh_xpositive float, optional

    The semi-radius for x-axis of ellipsoidal volumes (default None).

  • neigh_ypositive float, optional

    The semi-radius for y-axis of ellipsoidal volumes (default None).

  • neigh_zpositive float, optional

    The semi-radius for z-axis of ellipsoidal volumes (default None).

  • box_radpositive int, optional

    The number of voxels outward in a given cardinal direction for a cubic box centered on a given voxel (default None).

  • box_xpositive int, optional

    The number of voxels for +/- x-axis of cuboidal volumes (default None).

  • box_ypositive int, optional

    The number of voxels for +/- y-axis of cuboidal volumes (default None).

  • box_zpositive int, optional

    The number of voxels for +/- z-axis of cuboidal volumes (default None).

else if use_afni = False, then the valid keys are:

  • nneigh{7, 19, 27, 125}, optional (default 27)

    Number of voxels in the neighbourhood, inclusive. Can be:

    • 7 : for facewise neighbours only

    • 19 : for face- and edge-wise nieghbours

    • 27 : for face-, edge-, and node-wise neighbors

    • 125 : for 5x5 cuboidal volume

agg_methodstr, optional

The aggregation method to use. See junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() for more information (default None).

agg_method_paramsdict, optional

The parameters to pass to the aggregation method (default None).

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. If None, it will use the class name (default None).

compute(input, extra_input=None)#



The BOLD data as dictionary.

extra_inputdict, optional

The other fields in the pipeline data object (default None).


The computed result as dictionary. The dictionary has the following keys:

  • data : the actual computed values as a 1D numpy.ndarray

  • columns : the column labels for the spheres as a list

  • rows_col_name : None

class junifer.markers.SphereAggregation(coords, radius=None, method='mean', method_params=None, mask=None, on=None, name=None)#

Class for sphere aggregation.


The name of the coordinates list to use. See junifer.data.coordinates.list_coordinates() for options.

radiusfloat, optional

The radius of the sphere in millimeters. If None, the signal will be extracted from a single voxel. See nilearn.maskers.NiftiSpheresMasker for more information (default None).

methodstr, optional

The aggregation method to use. See junifer.stats.get_aggfunc_by_name() for more information (default “mean”).

method_paramsdict, optional

The parameters to pass to the aggregation method (default None).

maskstr, optional

The name of the mask to apply to regions before extracting signals. Check valid options by calling junifer.data.masks.list_masks() (default None).

on{“T1w”, “BOLD”, “VBM_GM”, “VBM_WM”, “fALFF”, “GCOR”, “LCOR”} or list of the options, optional

The data types to apply the marker to. If None, will work on all available data (default None).

namestr, optional

The name of the marker. By default, it will use KIND_SphereAggregation where KIND is the kind of data it was applied to (default None).

compute(input, extra_input=None)#



A single input from the pipeline data object in which to compute the marker.

extra_inputdict, optional

The other fields in the pipeline data object. Useful for accessing other data kind that needs to be used in the computation. For example, the functional connectivity markers can make use of the confounds if available (default None).


The computed result as dictionary. This will be either returned to the user or stored in the storage by calling the store method with this as a parameter. The dictionary has the following keys:

  • data : the actual computed values as a numpy.ndarray

  • columns : the column labels for the computed values as a list

  • row_names (if more than one row is present in data): “scan”


Get output type.


The data type input to the marker.


The storage type output by the marker.


Get valid data types for input.

list of str

The list of data types that can be used as input for this marker.