Analysis 3b: Permutation test for Real World Clincally Relevant Data
Analysis 3b: Permutation test for Real World Clincally Relevant DataΒΆ
Imports, Functs and Paths:
from statannotations.Annotator import Annotator
import os
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# plot styles
from sciplotlib import style
import matplotlib as mpl
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
base_save_paper = "./paper_val/"
results_base = "../../results/permutations"
base_dir = "../../"
colors = [
red = colors[0]
blue = colors[1]
green = colors[2]
purple = colors[5]
def mm_to_inch(val_in_inch):
mm = 0.1 / 2.54
return val_in_inch * mm"nature-reviews"))
mpl.rc("xtick", labelsize=11)
mpl.rc("ytick", labelsize=11)
mpl.rc("axes", labelsize=12, titlesize=12)
mpl.rc("figure", dpi=300)
mpl.rc("figure.subplot", wspace=mm_to_inch(8), hspace=0.7)
mpl.rc("lines", linewidth=1, markersize=2)
fig = plt.figure(
figsize=[mm_to_inch(183), mm_to_inch(140)],
<Figure size 2161.42x1653.54 with 0 Axes>
Prepare permutations distribution and CV results:
# Compute mean scores of CV for each repeat of the cross_validation:
df_scores = pd.concat(
[pd.read_csv(results_base + "/" + i) for i in os.listdir(results_base)]
df_CV_results = (
df_scores.groupby(["confound_removed", "shuffled", "repeat"])
Now compute the p-values:
score_raw = df_CV_results.query(
"(shuffled==False) & (confound_removed == False)"
assert len(score_raw) == 1
score_raw = score_raw[0]
def compute_pval(C, n_permutations):
"""(C + 1) / (n_permutations + 1)
where C is number of permutations greater/equal to CV score.
return (C + 1) / (n_permutations + 1)
n_permutations = (len(df_scores) - 2) / 2 # 2 conditions, both one raw rest shuffled
C_raw = (
df_CV_results.query("(shuffled==True) & (confound_removed == False)").score
>= score_raw
pval_raw = compute_pval(C_raw, n_permutations)
score_rem = df_CV_results.query(
"(shuffled==False) & (confound_removed == True)"
assert len(score_rem) == 1
score_rem = score_rem[0]
C_rem = (
df_CV_results.query("(shuffled==True) & (confound_removed == True)").score
>= score_rem
pval_rem = compute_pval(C_rem, n_permutations)
# pvals are significant (threshold .05) or not?
significance = ["*" if x < 0.05 else "n.s." for x in [pval_raw, pval_rem]]
Plot Permutation Test
# Adjust dataframe for plotting
df_plot = df_CV_results.assign(
confound_removed=lambda df:
lambda x: "$X_{CR}$" if x else "X"
shuffled=lambda df: x: "Yes" if x else "No"),
).rename(columns=dict(shuffled="Were Shuffled?", confound_removed="Features"))
# Create the actual plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = sns.boxplot(data=df_plot, x="Features", hue="Were Shuffled?", y="score", ax=ax)
ax.plot([-0.4, 0], [score_raw, score_raw], zorder=100, c=red)
ax.plot([0.6, 1], [score_rem, score_rem], zorder=100, c=red)
# Annotate the significance
pairs = (
[("X", "Yes"), ("X", "No")],
[("$X_{CR}$", "Yes"), ("$X_{CR}$", "No")],
annotator = Annotator(
ax, pairs, data=df_plot, x="Features", hue="Were Shuffled?", y="score"
# Change display settings
ax.set_xlabel("Used Features")
ax.set_title("Permutation Test Reveals Confound-Leakage")
p-value annotation legend:
ns: p <= 1.00e+00
*: 1.00e-02 < p <= 5.00e-02
**: 1.00e-03 < p <= 1.00e-02
***: 1.00e-04 < p <= 1.00e-03
****: p <= 1.00e-04
$X_{CR}$_No vs. $X_{CR}$_Yes: n.s.
X_No vs. X_Yes: *