Maintaining julearn


julearn version numbers are as follows: MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO. Additionally, development version append devN where N is the distance (in commits) to the last release.

This is done automatically by setuptools_scm.

This plugin reads the latest tagged version from git and automatically increments the MICRO segment and appends devN. This is considered a pre-release.

The CI scripts will publish every tag with the format v.X.Y.Z to Pypi as version “X.Y.Z”. Additionally, for every push to main, it will be published as pre-release to TestPypi.

Releasing a new version

Once the milestone is reached (all issues closed), it is time to do a new release.

  1. Make sure you are in sync with the main branch.

git checkout main
git pull --rebase origin main
  1. Create tag and push (replace X.Y.Z with the proper version).

git tag vX.Y.Z
git push origin vX.Y.Z