Maintaining julearn


julearn version numbers are as follows: MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO. Additionally, development version append devN where N is the distance (in commits) to the last release.

This is done automatically by setuptools_scm.

This plugin reads the latest tagged version from git and automatically increments the MICRO segment and appends devN. This is considered a pre-release.

The CI scripts will publish every tag with the format v.X.Y.Z to Pypi as version “X.Y.Z”. Additionally, for every push to main, it will be published as pre-release to TestPypi.

Releasing a new version

Once the milestone is reached (all issues closed), it is time to do a new release.

  1. Make sure you are in sync with the main branch.

git checkout main
git pull --rebase origin main
  1. Edit the file with the version of the next release.

  2. Make sure that test pass and CI won’t fail after this modification:

pytest -v
  1. Commit, create tag and push (replace X.Y.Z with the proper version).

git commit -am "Set version to X.Y.Z"
git tag vX.Y.Z
git push origin vX.Y.Z
  1. Edit the file with the version of the next release and append ‘.dev’ at the end.

  2. Commit and push to main

git commit -am "Start next release cycle"
git push origin main