
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the What you really need to know section for the big picture.


julearn.run_cross_validation(X, y, model, data, X_types=None, problem_type=None, preprocess=None, return_estimator=None, return_inspector=False, return_train_score=False, cv=None, groups=None, scoring=None, pos_labels=None, model_params=None, search_params=None, seed=None, n_jobs=None, verbose=0)#

Run cross validation and score.

Xlist of str

The features to use. See Data for details.


The targets to predict. See Data for details.

modelstr or scikit-learn compatible model.

If string, it will use one of the available models.


DataFrame with the data. See Data for details.

X_typesdict[str, list of str]

A dictionary containing keys with column type as a str and the columns of this column type as a list of str.


The kind of problem to model.

Options are:

  • “classification”: Perform a classification in which the target (y) has categorical classes (default). The parameter pos_labels can be used to convert a target with multiple_classes into binary.

  • “regression”. Perform a regression. The target (y) has to be ordinal at least.

preprocessstr, TransformerLike or list or PipelineCreator | None

Transformer to apply to the features. If string, use one of the available transformers. If list, each element can be a string or scikit-learn compatible transformer. If None (default), no transformation is applied.

See documentation for details.

return_estimatorstr | None

Return the fitted estimator(s). Options are:

  • ‘final’: Return the estimator fitted on all the data.

  • ‘cv’: Return the all the estimator from each CV split, fitted on the training data.

  • ‘all’: Return all the estimators (final and cv).


Whether to return the inspector object (default is False)


Whether to return the training score with the test scores (default is False).

cvint, str or cross-validation generator | None

Cross-validation splitting strategy to use for model evaluation.

Options are:

  • None: defaults to 5-fold

  • int: the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold

  • CV Splitter (see scikit-learn documentation on CV)

  • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

groupsstr | None

The grouping labels in case a Group CV is used. See Data for details.

scoringScorerLike, optional

The scoring metric to use. See for a comprehensive list of options. If None, use the model’s default scorer.

pos_labelsstr, int, float or list | None

The labels to interpret as positive. If not None, every element from y will be converted to 1 if is equal or in pos_labels and to 0 if not.

model_paramsdict | None

If not None, this dictionary specifies the model parameters to use

The dictionary can define the following keys:

  • ‘STEP__PARAMETER’: A value (or several) to be used as PARAMETER for STEP in the pipeline. Example: ‘svm__probability’: True will set the parameter ‘probability’ of the ‘svm’ model. If more than option is provided for at least one hyperparameter, a search will be performed.

search_paramsdict | None

Additional parameters in case Hyperparameter Tuning is performed, with the following keys:

  • ‘kind’: The kind of search algorithm to use, Valid options are:

  • ‘cv’: If a searcher is going to be used, the cross-validation

    splitting strategy to use. Defaults to same CV as for the model evaluation.

  • ‘scoring’: If a searcher is going to be used, the scoring metric to

    evaluate the performance.

See Hyperparameter Tuning for details.

seedint | None

If not None, set the random seed before any operation. Useful for reproducibility.

n_jobsint, optional

Number of jobs to run in parallel. Training the estimator and computing the score are parallelized over the cross-validation splits. None means 1 unless in a joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors (default None).

verbose: int

Verbosity level of outer cross-validation. Follows scikit-learn/joblib converntions. 0 means no additional information is printed. Larger number generally mean more information is printed. Note: verbosity up to 50 will print into standard error, while larger than 50 will print in standrad output.


The resulting scores (one column for each score specified). Additionally, a ‘fit_time’ column will be added. And, if return_estimator='all' or return_estimator='cv', an ‘estimator’ columns with the corresponding estimators fitted for each CV split.


The final estimator, fitted on all the data (only if return_estimator='all' or return_estimator='final')

inspectorInspector | None

The inspector object (only if return_inspector=True)

Examples using julearn.run_cross_validation#

Simple Binary Classification

Simple Binary Classification

Grouped CV

Grouped CV

Multiclass Classification

Multiclass Classification

Stratified K-fold CV for regression analysis

Stratified K-fold CV for regression analysis

Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis

Simple Model Comparison

Simple Model Comparison

Inspecting the fold-wise predictions

Inspecting the fold-wise predictions

Inspecting Random Forest models

Inspecting Random Forest models

Inspecting SVM models

Inspecting SVM models

Preprocessing with variance threshold, zscore and PCA

Preprocessing with variance threshold, zscore and PCA

Transforming target variable with z-score

Transforming target variable with z-score

Tuning Hyperparameters using Bayesian Search

Tuning Hyperparameters using Bayesian Search

Tuning Multiple Hyperparameters Grids

Tuning Multiple Hyperparameters Grids

Stacking Classification

Stacking Classification

Tuning Hyperparameters

Tuning Hyperparameters

Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis

Return Confounds in Confound Removal

Return Confounds in Confound Removal

Confound Removal (model comparison)

Confound Removal (model comparison)

Custom Scoring Function for Regression

Custom Scoring Function for Regression

Applying preprocessing to the target

Applying preprocessing to the target

Connectome-based Predictive Modeling (CBPM)

Connectome-based Predictive Modeling (CBPM)

Inspecting Models

Inspecting Models

Model Evaluation

Model Evaluation

Model Building

Model Building

Model Comparison

Model Comparison

Cross-validation consistent Confound Removal

Cross-validation consistent Confound Removal

Stacking Models

Stacking Models

Hyperparameter Tuning

Hyperparameter Tuning