
This page is a reference documentation. It only explains the function signature, and not how to use it. Please refer to the What you really need to know section for the big picture.


julearn.utils.configure_logging(level='WARNING', fname=None, overwrite=None, output_format=None)#

Configure the logging functionality.

levelint or {“DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARNING”, “ERROR”}

The level of the messages to print. If string, it will be interpreted as elements of logging (default “WARNING”).

fnamestr or pathlib.Path, optional

Filename of the log to print to. If None, stdout is used (default None).

overwritebool, optional

Overwrite the log file (if it exists). Otherwise, statements will be appended to the log (default). None is the same as False, but additionally raises a warning to notify the user that log entries will be appended (default None).

output_formatstr, optional

Format of the output messages. See the following for examples: e.g., "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s". If None, default string format is used (default "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s").

Examples using julearn.utils.configure_logging#

Simple Binary Classification

Simple Binary Classification

Grouped CV

Grouped CV

Multiclass Classification

Multiclass Classification

Stratified K-fold CV for regression analysis

Stratified K-fold CV for regression analysis

Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis

Simple Model Comparison

Simple Model Comparison

Inspecting the fold-wise predictions

Inspecting the fold-wise predictions

Inspecting Random Forest models

Inspecting Random Forest models

Inspecting SVM models

Inspecting SVM models

Preprocessing with variance threshold, zscore and PCA

Preprocessing with variance threshold, zscore and PCA

Transforming target variable with z-score

Transforming target variable with z-score

Tuning Hyperparameters using Bayesian Search

Tuning Hyperparameters using Bayesian Search

Tuning Multiple Hyperparameters Grids

Tuning Multiple Hyperparameters Grids

Stacking Classification

Stacking Classification

Tuning Hyperparameters

Tuning Hyperparameters

Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis

Confound Removal (model comparison)

Confound Removal (model comparison)

Custom Scoring Function for Regression

Custom Scoring Function for Regression

Inspecting Models

Inspecting Models

Stacking Models

Stacking Models