.. include:: ../links.inc .. _understanding: Understanding ``junifer`` ========================= Before you start, you should understand how ``junifer`` works. ``junifer`` is a tool conceived to extract features from neuroimaging data in an easy-to-use manner, with minimal coding and minimal user expertise in the internal aspects. Unlike other tools like FSL, SPM, AFNI, etc., ``junifer`` is not a toolbox to pre-process data, but a toolbox to extract features from previously pre-processed data. The main idea is that you have a set of images (e.g. a set of functional MRI, structural MRI, diffusion MRI, etc.) and you want to extract features to later use in statistical analyses or machine learning (for example, using julearn_). .. important:: ``junifer`` is not a toolbox to create pipelines, but a tool to configure the ``junifer`` pipeline, which is intended to be fixed and not to be changed. If you want to create a pipeline, you should use other tools like nipype_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: pipeline data datagrabber datareader preprocess marker storage