.. include:: links.inc
.. _contribution_guidelines:
Setting up the local development environment
#. Fork the https://github.com/juaml/junifer repository on GitHub. If you
have never done this before, `follow the official guide
#. Clone your fork locally as described in the same guide but also add the
flag to sync the submodules as well by appending the following to the
clone command:
.. code-block:: bash
... --recurse-submodules
#. Install your local copy into a Python virtual environment. You can `read
this guide to learn more
`_ about them
and how to create one.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -e ".[dev]"
#. Create a branch for local development using the ``main`` branch as a
starting point. Use ``fix``, ``refactor``, or ``feat`` as a prefix.
.. code-block:: bash
git checkout main
git checkout -b /
Now you can make your changes locally.
#. Make sure you install git pre-commit hooks like so:
.. code-block:: bash
pre-commit install
#. When making changes locally, it is helpful to ``git commit`` your work
regularly. On one hand to save your work and on the other hand, the smaller
the steps, the easier it is to review your work later. Please use `semantic
commit messages
.. code-block:: bash
git add .
git commit -m ": "
In case, you want to commit some WIP (work-in-progress) code, please indicate
that in the commit message and use the flag ``--no-verify`` with
``git commit`` like so:
.. code-block:: bash
git commit --no-verify -m "WIP: "
#. When you're done making changes, check that your changes pass our test suite.
This is all included with ``tox``.
.. code-block:: bash
You can also run all ``tox`` tests in parallel. As of ``tox 3.7``, you can run
.. code-block:: bash
tox --parallel
#. Push your branch to GitHub.
.. code-block:: bash
git push origin /
#. Open the link displayed in the message when pushing your new branch in order
to submit a pull request. Please follow the template presented to you in the
web interface to complete your pull request.
GitHub Pull Request guidelines
Before you submit a pull request, check that it meets these guidelines:
#. The pull request should include tests in the respective ``tests`` directory.
Except in rare circumstances, code coverage must not decrease (as reported
by codecov which runs automatically when you submit your pull request).
#. If the pull request adds functionality, the docs should be
updated. Consider creating a Python file that demonstrates the usage in
``examples/`` directory.
#. Make sure to create a Draft Pull Request. If you are not sure how to do it,
`here `_.
#. Note the pull request ID assigned after completing the previous step and
create a short one-liner file of your contribution named as
``.`` in ``docs/changes/newsfragments/``, ````
being as per the following convention:
* API change : ``change``
* Bug fix : ``bugfix``
* Enhancement : ``enh``
* Feature : ``feature``
* Documentation improvement : ``doc``
* Miscellaneous : ``misc``
* Deprecation and API removal : ``removal``
For example, a basic documentation improvement can be recorded in a file
``101.doc`` with the content:
.. code-block::
Fixed a typo in intro by `junifer's biggest fan`_
#. If it's your first contribution, also add yourself to
#. The pull request will be tested against several Python versions.
#. Someone from the core team will review your work and guide you to a successful
Running unit tests
junifer uses `pytest `_ for its
unit-tests and new features should in general always come with new
tests that make sure that the code runs as intended.
To run all tests
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e test
Adding and building documentation
Building the documentation requires some extra packages and can be installed by
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -e ".[docs]"
To build the docs
.. code-block:: bash
cd docs
make local
To view the documentation, open ``docs/_build/html/index.html``.
In case you remove some files or change their filenames, you can run into
errors when using ``make local``. In this situation you can use ``make clean``
to clean up the already build files and then re-run ``make local``.
Also, we follow British English for the documentation.
Writing Examples
The format used for text is reST. Check the `sphinx reST reference`_ for more
details. The examples are run and displayed in HTML format using
`sphinx gallery`_. To add an example, just create a ``.py`` file that starts
either with ``plot_`` or ``run_``, depending on whether the example generates
a figure or not.
The first lines of the example should be a Python block comment with a title,
a description of the example, authors and license name.
The following is an example of how to start an example
.. code-block:: python
Generic BIDS datagrabber for datalad.
This example uses a generic BIDS datagraber to get the data from a BIDS dataset
store in a datalad remote sibling.
Authors: Federico Raimondo
License: BSD 3 clause
The rest of the script will be executed as normal Python code. In order to
render the output and embed formatted text within the code, you need to add
a 79 ``#`` (a full line) at the point in which you want to render and add text.
Each line of text shall be preceded with ``#``. The code that is not
commented will be executed.
The following example will create texts and render the output between the
.. code-block:: python
from junifer.datagrabber import PatternDataladDataGrabber
from junifer.utils import configure_logging
# Set the logging level to info to see extra information
# The BIDS datagrabber requires three parameters: the types of data we want,
# the specific pattern that matches each type, and the variables that will be
# replaced in the patterns.
types = ["T1w", "BOLD"]
patterns = {
"T1w": "{subject}/anat/{subject}_T1w.nii.gz",
"BOLD": "{subject}/func/{subject}_task-rest_bold.nii.gz",
replacements = ["subject"]
# Additionally, a datalad datagrabber requires the URI of the remote sibling
# and the location of the dataset within the remote sibling.
repo_uri = "https://gin.g-node.org/juaml/datalad-example-bids"
rootdir = "example_bids"
# Now we can use the datagrabber within a `with` context
# One thing we can do with any datagrabber is iterate over the elements.
# In this case, each element of the datagrabber is one session.
with PatternDataladDataGrabber(
) as dg:
for elem in dg:
# Another feature of the datagrabber is the ability to get a specific
# element by its name. In this case, we index `sub-01` and we get the file
# paths for the two types of data we want (T1w and bold).
with PatternDataladDataGrabber(
) as dg:
sub01 = dg["sub-01"]
Finally, when the example is done, you can run it as a normal Python script.
To generate the HTML, just build the docs.