.. include:: links.inc
Understanding the pipeline
Julearn aims to provide an user-friendly way to apply complex machine learning
To do so julearn provides the :func:`.run_cross_validation` function.
Here, users can specify and customize their pipeline,
how should be fitted and evaluated.
Furthermore, this function allows you to return the
complete and fitted pipeline to use it on other data.
In this part of the documentation we will have a closer look to these
features of julearn and how you can use them.
.. note::
You should have read the :doc:`input ` section before.
Model & Problem Type
When using :func:`.run_cross_validation` you have to answer at least
2 questions first and then specify the according arguments properly:
* What model do you want to use?
You can enter any model name from :doc:`steps `
or use any scikit-learning compatible model into the `model`
argument from :func:`.run_cross_validation`
* What problem type do you want to answer?
In machine learning their are different problems you want to handle.
Julearn supports ``binary_classification``, ``multiclass_classification``
and ``regression`` problems. You shout set ``problem_type`` to one of these
3 problem typed. By default, julearn uses the ``binary_classification``
What model do you want to use and what problem type do you want to use
machine learning on.
By default users do not have to specify how to preprocess their data.
In this case, julearn automatically standardizes the continuous features,
the confounds and removes existing confound from the continuous features.
But users can configure :func:`.run_cross_validation` by specifying
the 3 preprocessing arguments for transforming the
confounds, target and features respectively (in this order).
To do so you can set the following arguments in the
:func:`.run_cross_validation` :
* ``preprocess_X``: specifies how to transform the features.
Here, you can enter the names or a list of the names of available
transformers (:doc:`steps ` ).
These are then applied in order to the features.
By default most transformers are applied only to the continuous features.
For more information on this and how to modify this behavior see below.
E.g. ``['zscore', 'pca']`` would mean that the (continuous) features are
first z-standardized and then reduced using a principle component analysis.
By default features will will not be preprocessed and confound removed in
case a confound was specified.
* ``preprocess_y``: specifies how to transform the target.
Currently, this is limited to one available transformer.
By default no preprocessing is applied.
* ``preprocess_confounds``: specifies how to transform the confounds.
Here, you use the same lists of available transformers as in
``preprocess_X``. By default confounds will not be preprocessed.
Assume we want not preprocess the confounds, zscore the transformer
and then use a pca on the features before removing the confound from these
features. All of these operations are included in the :doc:`steps `
and can therefore be referred to by name.
In other words we need to set:
* ``preprocess_target = 'zscore'``
* ``preprocess_X = ['pca', 'remove_confound']``
Additionally, we know that we are facing a multiclass_classification problem
and want to use a svm model.
Put together with an example from the :doc:`input ` the code looks
like this:
.. code-block:: python
from seaborn import load_dataset
from julearn import run_cross_validation
df_iris = load_dataset('iris')
X = ['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length']
y = 'species'
confounds = 'petal_width'
preprocess_confounds = []
preprocess_target = 'zscore'
preprocess_X = ['pca', 'remove_confound']
X=X, y=y, data=df_iris, confounds=confounds,
model='svm', problem_type='multiclass_classification',
.. note::
Instead of using the name of the available transformers you can also use
scikit-learn compatible transformers.
But it is recommended to register your own transformers first.
For more information see (#TODO)
More information
As mentioned above julearn allows the user to specify to which variable/columns
or variable/column types each transformer will be applied. To do so you
can adjust the ``apply_to`` hyperparameter which is added to all transformers
used in ``preprocess_X``. You can find such an example at #TODO
and find more information on hyperparameter tuning in
:doc:`hyperparameters ` .
The returned pipeline
The :func:`.run_cross_validation` uses all the information mentioned above
to create one :class:`.ExtendedDataFramePipeline` which is then used for
cross_validation. Additionally, it can return the fitted pipeline for other
application. E.g. you could want to test the pipeline on one additional
test set. But how can you do that?
Returning the (extended) pipeline
There are multiple options which you can use to return the pipeline(s).
For all of them you have to set the `return_estimator`.
These are the possible options:
* None: Does not return any estimator
* ``'final'``: Return the estimator fitted on all the data.
* ``'cv'``: Return the all the estimator from each CV split, fitted on the
training data.
* ``'all'``: Return all the estimators (final and cv).
These returned estimators are always :class:`.ExtendedDataFramePipeline`
objects.Therefore, the next section will discuss how you can use
a returned estimator.
The :class:`.ExtendedDataFramePipeline` has the same basic functionality as
all scikit-learn pipelines or estimators, but also has some caveats.
Where ExtendedDataFramePipeline behave as usual
The following methods work as in sklearn:
* ``.fit()``
* ``.predict()``
* ``.score()``
* ``.predict_proba()``
Caveats ExtendedDataFramePipeline
In contrast to scikit-learn pipelines :class:`.ExtendedDataFramePipeline`
can change the ground truth (transform the target).
This means that any any function which uses sklearn scorer functions instead of
calling ``.score()`` on the :class:`.ExtendedDataFramePipeline` can give you
the wrong output without **any warning**.
For example `cross_validate` function of sklearn when using another scorer.
If you want to use such functions, you can follow this example (#TODO) which
shows how to use julearns ``extended_scorer`` instead
Additional functionality
Furthermore, :class:`.ExtendedDataFramePipeline` have the following
added methods:
* ``preprocess``: a method to apply preprocessing steps of the pipeline to
some data. Furthermore, the ``until`` argument can be used to
only preprocess up to a specific transformer.